About characters without “あいうえお” .
In Japan, all characters except “あいうえお” have consonants at the head.
※Click this link to check about “あいうえお”.
The pronunciation of japanese characters are “Consonants” + “Vowel(aiueo)”
For example:
One of the japanese character “し”.
this pronunciation is “si”. “s” sound + vowel of “i”.
One of the japanese character “る”.
this pronunciation is “ru”. “K” Sound is attached vowel before.
this pronunciation is “ru”. “r” sound + vowel of “u”.
Introduction of “や” line.
Following 3 characters are “や” line.
“や” line has not vowel of “i” and vowel of “e”.
This pronunciation is expressed character of ”ま”.
”や” is “Y” + Vowel “a”.
For example, It is used in the following terms.
やり(Yari) meaning:Spear
やね(Yane) meaning:Roof
やぎ(Yagi) meaning:Goat
This pronunciation is expressed character of ”ゆ”.
”ゆ” is “Y” + Vowel “u”.
For example, It is used in the following terms.
ゆき(Yuki) meaning:Snow
ゆうがた(Yuugata) meaning(another):Evening
ゆか(Yuka) meaning:Floor
This pronunciation is expressed character of ”よ”.
”よ” is “Y” + Vowel “o”.
For example, It is used in the following terms.
よる(Mori) meaning:Forest
よそう(Yosou) meaning:Predict
よむ (Yomu) meaning:read