What is ひらがな??Part of “ま”

About characters without “あいうえお” .

In Japan, all characters except “あいうえお” have consonants at the head.

※Click this link to check about “あいうえお”.

The pronunciation of japanese characters are “Consonants” + “Vowel(aiueo)”

For example:

One of the japanese character “し”.

this pronunciation is “si”. “s” sound + vowel of “i”.

One of the japanese character “る”.

this pronunciation is “ru”. “K” Sound is attached vowel before.

this pronunciation is “ru”. “r” sound + vowel of “u”.

Introduction of “ま” line.

Following 5 characters are “ま” line.


This pronunciation is expressed character of ”ま”.

”ま” is “M” + Vowel “a”.

For example, It is used in the following terms.

まけ(Make) meaning:Lose

まつ(Matsu) meaning:Wait

まる(Maru) meaning:Circle


This pronunciation is expressed character of ”み”.

”み” is “Mi” + Vowel “i”.

For example, It is used in the following terms.

みみ(Mimi) meaning:Ear

みず(Mizu) meaning:Water

みらい(Mirai) meaning:Future


This pronunciation is expressed character of ”ぬ”.

”む” is “M” + Vowel “u”.

For example, It is used in the following terms.

むし(Mushi) meaning:Ignore

むし(Mushi) meaning(another):Bug

むげん(Mugenn) meaning:Unlimited

むこう(Mukou) meaning:Over there


This pronunciation is expressed character of ”め”.

”め” is “M” + Vowel “e”.

め(Me) meaning:Eye

めい(Mei) meaning:Niece

めまい(Memai) meaning:Dizzy


This pronunciation is expressed character of ”も”.

”も” is “M” + Vowel “o”.

For example, It is used in the following terms.

もり(Mori) meaning:Forest

もつ(Motsu) meaning:Have

もし (Moshi) meaning:If

